host an online fundraising effort to connect donors to the charitable causes they care about most. With the help of sponsors,
Silicon Valley Gives will help raise money for local nonprofits through a 24-hour online
donation platform, offering thousands of nonprofits the chance to raise millions of dollars. Craig Bright from Humane  Renaissance Movement is looking
for your help. With your donations, his organization wants to bring a 1-mile “Fun Run” and music lessons to as many
communities as possible..

Contact email;

The HRM in the News


Why the HRM is Created?

 The Dalai Lama shared-Prayer is a Start-How can the consciousness of Oneness literally and practically empower structures and institutions,actions and changes of habit so that peace moves from the ideal to the real deal? "We need a systemic approach to foster humanistic values of Oneness and Harmony". Perhaps prayer is a place to start but perhaps more is called for changing the way we see things, taking action so we are more in service to others, and truly stepping into a loving life.


Our Goal-  To co-create Great Humane Beings by connecting people through positive  Community  Building  experiences.   

The HRM embraces the fact, the more people feel connected and have shared positive experiences, the more Humane the World will become..

View our Videos

Come join us and actualize your Spirituality and Caring for Others through Sports, Recreation, Music, "A Kind Heart with Helping Hands" and "Common Unity". Using Our Caring and Resources to Help others.
The HRM is simply a group of people, a Community (near and far), Common Unity that “Loves all people and want to do good for all people”. Connecting  People Using Community Building endeavors; Sports, Recreation and Music, “A Kind Heart with Helping Hand” and “ Common Unity” to transform Self and World. Rec-reation is Re-creation is the Mantra of the HRM.  Rec-reation is Re-creation is the name of the Sports, Fitness , Exercise, Recreation, Fishing, Music and all other projects produced by that the HRM. The HRM wants you to Donate, Participate and Re-create.



The HRM Mission.

Please take a moment to view our videos.  You will be able to feel and see what the HRM is all about and what we have accomplished.

Palo Alto Daily Post, May 5, 2015 Talk of the Town

The HRM Vision

What is The HRM

When man/woman begins to look at himself/herself as he is, then his/her work has finally begun.
When man/woman looks at himself/herself and others and sees only Spirit, then his work is done."-
from book Creative Thought Remedies

This video is a Tough Mudder Training Video

9 mins.  

Our name means;
Humane- marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration. 
Renaissance-a rebirth, renew and revival of.
Movement- is either the appearance or increased popularity of a specific school of philosophy.
The definition of Rec-reation is," Refreshment of one's mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates" and "refreshment of strength and spirits after work". 
The definition of Re-creation is, " the act of creating anew".
"Rec-reation is Re-creation" is the Mantra of the HRM.
The definition of a Mantra is, a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of "creating transformation

This  is the HRM Movie which tells about the entire HRM Movement 23 mins.


This video is the HRM Introduction video

3 mins.